Around the base of the Campanile of St. Mark a building has been erected, which is called the Loggetta; it is a work by Sansovino, and was added in the year 1540.
Piazza San Marco or St Mark's Square is the principal public square of Venice, where it is generally known just as "the Piazza". All other urban spaces in the city (except the Piazzetta and the Piazzale Roma) are called "campi" (fields). The Piazzetta is an extension of the Piazza towards the lagoon in its south east corner. The two spaces together form the social, religious and political centre of Venice and are commonly considered together.
Doge's Palace Inside
The tour through the various Institutional Chambers in the Palace begins in the Square Atrium. These were the rooms which housed the organs of a political and judicial administrative which was the envy of Europe for centuries, due not only to its immutability (in spite of the absence of a written constitution) but also to its ability to resist the passage of time and still maintain social peace and harmony.
You will pass through the chambers of all the main organs of government - the Great Council, the Senate and the Collegio – and also visit those used by the main judicial bodies within the Venetian Republic, from the Council of Ten to the so-called Quarantie (Councils of Forty). In all of the rooms, the decor is carefully chosen and designed not only to indicate the role of the bodies who met within them, but also to celebrate the virtues of the State.