The altar Pesaro given to a noble family in 1518, already in 1361, was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, which is why the altarpiece commissioned by Jacopo Pesaro in 1519, has the double task of illustrating the theme of Mary and glorify the family of the client. The Virgin is seated on a tall pedestal with a white veil that envelops even the child: it is foreshadowing of the funeral shroud that will cover both. Jacopo Pesaro is pictured on the left in prayer while behind him a soldier holding the banner of Pope Alexander VI and leans next to a turbaned turkish. It is the celebration of the naval victory at the Battle of Santa Maura (1503) by Pesaro, commander of the papal fleet, over the Ottoman navy. In forefront the portraits of his brothers Francesco, Antonio, Fantino and Giovanni and his nephew Leonardo, above of them San Francesco turns to the child while on the other hand, the figure of St. Peter.
- Artwork: Pala Pesaro.
- Artist/Author: Tiziano Vecellio.
- Date: 1519-26
- Artistic Technique: Painting, oil on canvas, 485 x 270 cm.
- Location: Left aisle (number 5). See church plan.